Elva 50th Anniv at Sebring

However for 2008 all Elva sports racers, Couriers and the Formula Juniors are invited to attend and race on the world famous 4-mile track. The SVRA are known for well organised and spectacular events and this will be a meeting NOT to be missed! There will be a special Elva paddock, displays and reception party plus a chance to be part of an escorted drive to downtown Sebring for selected cars.
A full 3-day HSR meeting will be held at Sebring the first week in March, and the SVRA will have additional events before and after the main Sebring vintage race. In all a great start to the season and a great opportunity to attend a fabulous and historic race circuit. Elva entries from overseas will be granted free entries and the Entry Forms will be available soon at www.svra.com
There will be regular updates on this official Elva website. More detailed information available from Bob Engberg who has been instrumental in setting this particular ball rolling (thank you Bob) via bobengberg@aim.com or from Roger Dunbar at Elva via www.elva.com/elva-contact.php regarding UK/European entries. Grateful thanks to Jack Woerle at the SVRA for his input and enthusiasm, so now let's make it happen and I look forward to seeing you there!
For more information and updates, see
[ www.elva.com ]
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