Mallen Alley's Car Unveiled
There are many ideas we've been tossing around for about 3 years and it's been quite a challenge to get this far with the buck. We expect to be in paint and ready to start mold building this month. The chassis is coming along, just waiting for the uprights and driveline components to arrive. R1 is on the table awaiting it's home to be built around it.
We expect to turn a wheel this year and be ready for next season. If it goes well we will be in, of all places!!!!!, Topeka next fall.
About the British flag [in the photo], if you look closely, you'll see the Honda jacket behind it. You see, Adam was born in merry old England, kinda funny that he beat up the lil' Brit roadsters so much isn't it, I guess it helps to know the enemy well. A Spit powered DSR, that is just wrong!!!!! Funny though."
See more details on the Sports Racer forum here.
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