Is defined as any grade of automotive gasoline available at roadside stations, without additions of any nature except upperlube which must be added directly to the gasoline tank and not through any injection or drip oiler system, and which must not raise the octane rating.
B. Production Category
(This section has been left out for this page's listing. See the full text on the SOVREN site.1)
C. Modified Category
SCCA Modified Category automobiles shall be those which conform to current or obsolete regulations for "Sports Cars" defined in Appendix C of the International Sporting Code. The following specific deviations from the current Appendix C shall be permitted and shall apply for SCCA National, Divisional, and Regional events:
1. CLASSES -- Automobiles in the Modified Category shall be divided into siz classes according to the cylinder volumes of the engine:
C -- Over 3000 cc
D -- Over 2000 cc and below or equal to 3000 cc
E -- Over 1600 cc and below or equal to 2000 cc
F -- Over 1150 cc and below or equal to 1600 cc
G -- Over 750 cc and below or equal to 1100 cc
H -- Below or equal to 750 cc
2. FUEL -- All Modified Category automobiles shall run only on pump fuel.
3. WEIGHT -- There shall be no minimum limitations on weight.
4. CHASSIS--GROUND CLEARANCE--LOCK -- Provisions of previous editions of APPENDIX C shall apply.
i) Provisions of previous or current editions of APPENDIX C shall apply. Specifically, two seats shall be offered, but need not necessarily be located on either side of the longitudinal axis of the automobile. The inside minimum width shall be 120cm (47.24") measured at the immediate rear of the steering wheel perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the car.
ii) The arrangement of the drivers seat shall be such that
A + B + C = 110 cm (43.3") minimum.
iii) Backs of seats shall have a minimum height of 30 cm (11.8").
iv) Footspace for the driver and passenger shall each be at least 25 cm (10") in width measured at a point even with the pedals.
v) All cars shall have at least one rigid door giving direct access to the seats and measuring at least 15.7" x 7.9".
vi) The carrying of tops shall not be required.
vii) A suitable aero scree in front of the driver shall be carried. There shall be no other requirements for windshields.
viii) There are no minimum requirements on the size of the luggage compartment.
There shall be no restrictions on the size of wheels or tires, provided they are identical for the front axle(s) and rear axle(s).
A usable spare wheel and tire of the same size as one of those mounted on the car shall be presented for safety inspection, and, unless the Supplementary Regulations for a competition otherwise specify, may be left in the assigned pit.
Under no circumstances shall the passenger's space be used to carry the spare wheel and tire.
2. FIA Section - 1962 FIA Regulations
200. Classes
Vehicles of the "Sports" category, being the subject of the present regulations, shall be distributed, in view of the participation in competitions, according to the engine cylinder capacity in one of the 15 following classes:
1. Cars with an engine capacity inferior or equal to 400 cc
2. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 400 cc and inferior or equal to 500 cc
3. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 500 cc and inferior or equal to 600 cc
4. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 600 cc and inferior or equal to 700 cc
5. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 700 cc and inferior or equal to 850 cc
6. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 850 cc and inferior or equal to 1000 cc
7. Care with an engine capacity exceeding 1000 cc and inferior or equal to 1150 cc
8. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 1150 cc and inferior or equal to 1300 cc
9. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 1300 cc and inferior or equal to 1600 cc
10. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 1600 cc dud inferior or equal to 2000 cc
11. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 2000 cc and inferior or equal to 2500 cc
12. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 2500 cc and inferior or equal to 3000 cc
13. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 3000 cc and inferior or equal to 4000 cc
14. Cars with an engine capacity exceeding 4000 cc and inferior or equal to 5000 cc
15. Cars with an engine capacity above 5000 cc
201. Weight
When the Supplementary Regulations for a competition impose a minimum weight for care of the Sports category, this weight must consist of the weight of the manufactured vehicle itself with its component parts, and cannot therefore be arrived at by the addition of anything extra in the way of ballast.
In order to facilitate proceedings, the vehicle may be weighed without draining out the lubricating oil, in which case the followig will be added to the minimum weight, requhed by the supplementary regulations:
Classes 1 to 5: 5 kilos
Classes 6 to 10: 10 kilos
Classes 11 to 14: 15 kilos
Classes 15: 20 kilos
202. Chassis — Ground clearance — Lock
All parts of the chassis shall be at lease 12 cm from the ground so that a mass 80 cm wide and 12 cm high may be introduced between the back wheels and through the length of the cars equipped with the wheels and thes which are to he used for the competition.
The turning radius shall he 6m,75 maximum, in other words the car must be able to make a complete turn without backing between two parallel lines 13m,50 apart.
203. Self Starter
A self-starter fitted to the vehicle in proper working order is obligatory. It must be used at the start of the competition, and none of its parts may be removed during the event.
Al! other means of starting up the engine are prohibited, and penalties in case of non-functioning of the automatic self-starter at the beginning or in the course of the competition shall be laid down in the supplementary regulations.
204. Braking safety
The braking system should ensured in such a way that the brake pedal normally controls the 4 wheels.
In case of a leak at any point of the piping or any failure in the braking transmission the brake pedal should operate on at least two wheels on one same axle.
205. Fuel Tanks
The total capacity of the fuel tanks (principal and auxiliary, if such exist) shall not exceed the following maximums:
Cars of an engine cylinder-capacity up to 1000 cc: 70L. (18.5 gal.)
Cars of an engine cylinder-capacity from 1000 cc to 1300 cc: 85L. (22.4 gal.)
Cars of an engine cylinder-capacity from 1300 cc to 1600 cc: 100L. (26.4 gal.)
Cars of an engine cylinder-capacity from 1600 cc to 2000 cc: 110L. (29.0 gal.)
Cars of an engine cylinder-capacity from 2000 cc to 2500 cc: 120L. (31.7 gal.)
Cars of an engine cylinder-capacity from 2500 cc to 3000 cc: 130L. (34.3 gal.)
Cars of an engine cylinder-capacity exceeding 3000 cc: 140L. (36.9 gal.)
206. Coachwork—Seats
Coachwork must bc completely finished and offer no make-shift element. They must offer at least TWO seats of equal dimensions located on either side of the longitudinal axis of the car, and of the same height, without prejudicing the normal system of adaptation to the size of the driver.
The inside minimum width shall be:
100 cm for cars with engine cylinder capacity inferior or equal to 1000 cc.
110 cm for car; with engine cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cc.
This dimension shall be measured at the immediate rear of the steering wheel, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the car. It must be maintained on a minimum height of 25 cm.
The passengers place shall remain available during the whole of the event. It shall not be either partly or totally covered and shall offer the same conditions of comfort, room and protection as that of the driver’s. However the passenger’s place may be sheltered by means of a cloth or any similar supple material liable to be quickly removed by hand without using any tools. Under no condition may the seats serve as a holder to a spare wheel or be combined with the fuel tank(s). Tanks shall be placed outside the cabin so as to protect the passengers of the car from any fumes or dhect splashing of the fuel.
The transmission organs (shafts and cardan joints) must be under the floor boards or be fitted in tubes or casings. The floor boards, tubes or casings must not be of a temporary nature but mist be properly joined together and fhmly fixed to the coachwork and the chassis.
Front seats must fulfill the conditions setout hereafter (Figure 1 and 2).

a is always measured horizontally and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the chassis, between two vertical planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and limiting from front to rcar the open space on a level where the measurement taken.
For the driver’s seat, a is measured on the floor level, or at the bottom of any recess if need be, from the perpendicular at the furthest pedal in its position of rest.
For the passenger seat. this measurement is taken at a height of 20 cen theters above the floor, or at the bottom of the recesses, if need be.
In case of movable seats it is forbidden to alter the position of any seat while the cars are being measured.
b is measured vertically from the rear of a to the horizontal plane tangent to the highest part of the cushion as shown on the drawings.
c is measured in the horizontal plane defined above from the upper end of b, parallel to a, and in the middle of each axis of the chassis and tangent to the foremost point of the back of seats.
Back of seats must have a minimum height of 30 cm. (11.8 in.) measured vertically from rear of c.
The arrangement of the body must be such that:
a + b + c = 1m.10 (43.3 in.) at least..
The minimum width for the foot space (for each person must be 25 cm (9.84 in.) measured perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of the chassis plumb with the pedals.
207. Door
All vehicles shall he equipped with at least one rigid door on either side, with a closing device and hinge giving dhect access to the seats. They shall, when they are opened, free a space enabling to frontally slide through a rectangle of 50 cm by 30 cm (19.68 in x 11.81 in)
Vehicles with a frontal or a rear door and whose engine cylinder capacity is inferior to 500 cc may have only one door.
There shall always be a means of removing immediately the passengers whatever the position of the car.
208. Windscreen -- Windscreen wiper
The windshield is compulsory. If it is broken or looses its transparence on more than three quarters of its width in the course of a race on a closed chcuit it must he urgently replaced at the pit under pain of exclusion from the race. It shall be placed symmetrically with regard to the axis of the car and have the following minimum dimensions:
Width, chord measurement:
--90 cm (35.43 in.) for cars with cylinder-capacity inferior or equal to 1000 cc.
--100 cm (39.37 in.) for cars with cylinder-capacity exceeding 1000 cc.
--15 cm (5.9 in.) measured vertically all along the minimum width.
It shall be efficiently attached to the hood or to the roof of the car, if of closed body type.
If the windscreen is equipped with glass, only glass of safety type shall be permitted.
The windscreen must have at least one automatic wiper, placed in front of the driver, the surface action of the wiper should be sufficient for the driver to be able to see the road distinctly, from his seat.
209. Mudguards
Mudguards of vehicles must not include temporary parts and they must be firmly affixed.
They must he placed exactly above the wheels and they must cover the effectively by surrounding at least a third of the circumference. It will, however, be permitted to make in each mudguard an opening not exceeding a maximum of 200 square cen thetres (31 in2) to enable the driver to check the condition of his tires.
The width of mudguards must be such as to cover the tires completely when the wheels are parallel to the longitudinal axis of the car. In those cars where the mudguards are entirely or partly overhung by the structure of the body, the combination of mudguards and body, or the body alone, must nevertheless fulfill the above-mentioned requirements as to protection.
The rear extremeties of the front and rear mudguards must not be higher above the ground than a horizontal line passing through the center of the wheel hub cap.
Mudguards fitted on the wheels and liable to turn when the wheels are steered are prohibited. They must therefore be solid with the body, there being no gap between them.
210. Hoods (Tops) —
No longer required on open sports-racing cars in 1962.
211. Closed cars
Bodies of closed cars, convertible or not, must correspond at least to all the conditions indicated above for open cars.
Bodies of closed cars must he established in such a way that they ensure perfect visibility for the driver. The windows must he fitted with safety glass.
Thc minimum size of the panes must be such as to include a rectangle measuring:
1. for the front and rear windows. 40 cm wide by 2 cm height (15.75 in. x 9.84 in.)
2. for the back windhow: 50 cm (19.68 in.) total width, composed of one pane, or several panes inserted into separate frames. Height 10 cm (3.93 in) all along the width, measured vertically.
During races, either by means of open windows or by a special apparatus, a sufficient draught must exist to prevent gases from accumulating inside the car.
Lastly, the height of the roof, measured from the lowest part of the cushions of the rear and front seats shall he at least 85 cm (33.46 in.)
212. Luggage space
A covered space shall be provided, forming an integral part of thc body, but outside the space occupied by the front seats It must be able to contain a trunk measuring 65 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm (25.59 in. x 15.75 in. x 7.87 in.) excluding the spare wheel, the tools, or the folded hood.
213. Wheels and tyres
All the wheels of the car shall have the same diameter.
All through the competition, at least one spare wheel, with tyre, identical to one of those mounted on the car must be placed outside the space reserved for occupants of the vehicle, and in such a manner that the normal working of thc door is not impeded. Extra spare wheels may, if necessary, be placed in the rear seats of cars for more than two passengers, but in no case may they occupy the space reserved for passengers in the front seat(s).
During competitions, and for safety reasons, spare wheels placed outside the bodies must comprise at least two kinds of systems to fix them, which must be independent one from the other (for instance a hub shaped attachment and straps).
Dimensions of tyres are free.
214. Rear-reflecting mirrors—Silencer—Lighting and Warning apparatus
Vehicles must compulsorily be fitted with:
1. A rear-reflecting mirror with a reflecting surface of at least 50 cm2 (7.75 in.2)
2. An efficient silencer.
The efficiency of a silencing system is thus defined and verified: the exhaust shall give the impression of a muffled and diminishing sound in which the explosions of each cylinder are not strongly accentuated.
The exhaust pipes shall be arranged so as not to raise any dust.
The sound and luminous signaling devices shall be in working order from beginning to end of the competition.
The lighting devices shall comply with the provisions of the International Convention on Motor Traffic. They shall furthermore be in working order at the start of the competition and remain so during the normal hours of functioning as well as during the hours which are foreseen in the Supplementary Regulations.
The Supplementary Regulations shall lay down what penalties apply in case of tile above accessories being broken, lost, rendered partly or completely useless.
However, damage done to glass by projection of stones shall not be subject to penalization and the replacement of burnt out electric bulbs shall always be authorized.
215. Special provisions
All the integral parts of the body, such as front and rear mudguards, supports and frame of windscreen, hoods, doors, spare-wheel attachments, must be maintained in normal position of use until the end of the event (or if need be, replaced at the first passage at a replenishment pit).
Any competing car shall be in strict compliance with the traffic regulations of either its country of origin, or its country of registration.
Furthermore, the Supplementary Regulations may provide that only those cars are eligible which carry a national registration plate enabling proper identification, to the exclusion of all provisional mobile plates (trial or garage keeper’s plate).
All vehicles corresponding to the above characteristics must be admitted in all International Competitions for Sports cars. But this obligation shall not prevent promoters from refusing entry to a competitor, on account of any other reason.