Posted on Thursday, 09 Sep 2004 on the H Mod Yahoo Group.
"One issue that seems to be foremost for many people is the question of bearings for Crosley engines and their various derivatives. There are clearly bearings available
from Thermo King which were designed into compressors that seem to fit the engines we use for all sorts of nefarious things.
Scott Stuart who restores Bearcat engines has e-mailed me with different part numbers for bearings. Both Bill McCann and Rudy have bought bearings using the numbers I sent to all
of you. Its possible that TK has the same parts under different numbers or that the specs of the different part numbers are different. Bill has raced with a set of the bearings
that had the numbers I sent out and they were just fine but Scott uses the ones
with the other series of numbers in his outboards which work fine as well. Stu
French who lives near a TK warehouse says that the numbers that were sent
are fine. Anyone with any more definitive information?
Rudy and I will try to sort this out at the local TK dealer, but it would be very helpful if we could get more than one opinion on this issue. It would particularly [be]
interesting to know if the bearings are of different widths or perhaps even materials or for different applications.
For those who are not quite up to speed on these engines, the rod bearings and the 3 center main bearings are identical. It is possible to use two sets of these bearings for the
"front" mains if you do a bit of filing and perhaps some oil gallery drilling depending on the crankcase you are using.
We are still working on the rear main problem, but in the mean time hang on to
your old rear main shells, we may be able to get a group buy on getting them
re-built. Who has a good source of seals?
Enough blather for one time. Get your friends to get involved in this thing. By the way, we are interested in ALL H-Mod cars and enhtusiasts . .
Fiats, Panhards, OSCAs, anything that is or was an H-Mod.
Happy New Year, Nat"

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H Mod Yahoo Group

"For those of you
who didn't get the
numbers I sent out
here they are again
along with the
numbers that Scott
My Numbers
Scott's #s:
Std. size TKC#
22-1003 22-368
.005" under TKC#
22-1004 22-369
.010" under TKC#
22-1005 22-370
.020" under TKC#
.030" under TKC#
Nat" |