Jedi Chassis
(The XPIT Chassis was also known as the Jedi.)
D Sports Racer
Jedi Racing Cars, UK
March 7, 2004
Dave Craddock of Preform Resources announced:
"This is the new Jedi D Sports racer. We finally got the tooling done late last summer and this is the the first finished car. It belongs to Jim Lamb of Jefferson
Motors in Harrison Twp, Mi.
There are plans afoot to bring the chassis in from England and fit the body etc. here. There will be an announcement soon regarding this. This car was shown for the first time
at the Detroit Autorama and took first in class. The car is to be run locally and selected SCCA races at first.
This car started as a Formula S car. All new fabrication and assembly was handled by Tony Kulka, Jim Lamb, and a few volunteers.
The car at the initial weigh in came in at 776 lbs.
Preform Resources did the body kit which was commissioned by Bob Leppan who has several Jedi's. The body consists of a nose, main body, side pods, and a front nose tray. The
side pods incorporate cored floors (much like we did on the Novakar F-5) which contain the
radiators, battery etc. NACA provide engine and rear brake air, with location
to be determined after some tuft testing.
The body kit was fitted by the guys at Jefferson Motors."

Jedi formula car

Jedi formula car
Page 2 - Race Photos
Page 3 - Bodywork Development